Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Physical Changes: How I Did This To Me...........

If you recall a post in January:
"My Serious Off Season Training!":

I resemble my pregnant daughter "Dusty":

Time to get busy!




Copa De Merida:


Vigor Y Fuerza 1st Place Finish

Mr. Mexico 3rd Place Finish
age 50-59 80kg +
The Grand Prize......... (Accidents Happen!)

"Let the Truth Be Told Possibly A Humbling Experience."

After years of expierence I will share the truths.......
Always do your best:
So I have been told and molded by wonderful parents but lacking the genetics to be Mr. Olympia. I do my very best no matter what task is asked of me or what personal challenge I seek, setting the bar of achievement higher than most. Being a first born child may be the cause of having to merit. According to Dr. Kevin Leman author of  " The Birth Right" Failure is out of the question as it is "Shut up and Put up" and I more than likely will push myself harder than others. Over the years I find this to be true at least pushing harder than others. Pushing the weights has contorted this 59 year old body into a shape that competes with the young and is envied by the old as we age. I consider myself old  at 50 with two wonderful grandsons. So this is how we all got started, your mother pushed you right out of the birth canal.................

Grandpa On Steroids:
Fact and don't you forget it. When I die may medical science benefit as I have benefactor of medical science and so called miracles. At age 24 diagnosed with CML leukemia. I counted the days of living now I count years. Thanks to bonemarrow transplant pioneer Robert Peter Gayle "I live to my best".
Not that he gave me something special to do my best, he and UCLA Medical Center gave me the opportunity to live and do something with it. It is live doing my best. (Blame my parents too.) Left at age 25 to recover from the transplant at 135lbs. 6ft.-2in. I have pushed myself to achieve a lot of goals over the years. Seriously pushing myself in the direction of bodybuilding that broken frame of a young man into a fifty year old powerhouse and buff old man as many younger tell me.This may be the greatest achievment only the clock of life will tell.

How to get started:
Set a date and adhere to it, don't procrastinate as you wont do it. Those with self discipline have an advantage over those that don't. when starting set achievable goals. It is like climbing a mountain one step at a time. Lifestyle changes require positive affirmations. Negativity undermines all and can be damaging to self as well as others. Surround yourself with others that are acheiving goals and making postive lifestyle changes as you will need their support. Use only proven information that is supported by medical and science communities to produce real results. No joke a platform that vibrates or a magic pill offered by a television pitchman will provide nothing, but more lies to drain you of finances that could be used for your new lifestyle as you will need a new wardrobe in time.

Genetic Potential:
You don't need to be a bodybuilder to reach your genetic potentials. Age is not a factor, a matter of fact you can shave years off your body as well as hair it does make a difference in what you look like. You were made as are past ancestors to use your body, and as we progressed or minds we have lost or body's...........Don't blame McDonald's, Pizza Hut for your problems they produce food that may be high in fat and calories but it still provides what you need to get your life on the right track energy. Without food you cannot perform any activity so thanks fast food, as when I lack sugar and fat for energy I can achieve a quick fix for instant glucose, and some long term energy with the additional greasy fat. Fearing your genetic potential is your loss as you were intended to be the best you could be and it was and still is in your DNA. No matter male or female it is in your best interest to pursue your genetic potential as it will provide you with confidence as your strength and endurance increase. At age 50 I can do much more than I could do when younger it has been constant progression. Realizing there must be a pinnacle I refuse to reach the top as I thankful for the next rock rolling down the mountain, to push up again. Today I will start rolling another back up the mountain only to retrieve another and do it again consider it a gift and start collecting. It's better than money in the long run no matter where you finish. I certainly do not want to finish first in the (human race) the event called life. I will take the route of the worst marathoner or endurance athlete on the planet in the race called life. 

Men And Women Are Equal?
When it comes to genetic potential we are not equal, and I'm certainly glad we not. Testosterone levels in our body's determine the difference. Men in most cases produce more than women, although there are those special females. So if your a female concerned about muscle size, your muscles
will only achieve what your DNA and testosterone levels determine capable. Another factor is type of muscle fiber our body's are covered with. Three types: Fast, Intermediate, and Slow twitch. Each type play a different role in our body's. Pending upon your collection and location of these muscle fibers determines what you look like, Mesomorph, Ectomorph, or Endomorph. There is a lot of in-betweens. Mesomorphs possess more fast twitch muscle fiber holding adenosine triphosphate (phosphourus creatine) in this tissue as they were genetically programed to be more muscular and usually perfom as the blessed athlete, many of us want to be.They naturally developed larger powerful muscle than others as growing into adulthood with little or no effort.  Ectomorphs on the other hand possess more slow twitch muscle and are usually endurance type athletes as this muscles stores more oxygen and red blood cells. They are reffered to as possessing elongated muscle and thin. Endomorphs on the other hand are usualy more stout, having shorter muscles and possessing a more square body type, We all have these different type muscle fibers thoughout each and every muscle. Intermediate pink muscle fiber is cool because it can be recruted and change to white or red fiber. Good for use this to reach your genetic potential. Any one can be the best they can be...........
How You Can Change Your Body:
Allow yourself 16 weeks don't be in a hurry and exercise like a hurricane to accomplish your goals. whether losing weight, gainining, or staying the same. The first mistake people make they are in such a hurry to reach there goal that they destroy the opportunity of achieving them. So put asside the feelings of opening that Christmas package and ripping the paper and remove as your mother wanted you to after long hours of wrapping all them and dig deep and use patience getting there.

Losing The Body Fat: (athletic type - normal body, body fat men 25% or less, women 30% or less)
When losing weight, hopefully body fat as you can lose muscle too. It needs to be understood 1-2.5lbs. per week should be your weight loss goal any faster and you will take away that hypertrophied muscle with it. Those of us over 35 years of age need to take care of our skin using plenty of collagen enriched lotion as your skin needs elasticity to respond to your body changes, fast drastic weight loss will cause you to look older and leave with unresponsive saggging skin, who wants to play a cosmetic surgeon to fix what your body can still do. When doing your strength training it is a necessity to keep intensity or you will not continue to hypertrophy muscle and lead to atrophy. The rumor more reps are better with lighter weight is another trap for you to fall into. Remeber if you can't do four don't do more, if you can do eight add more weight. Do your Cardio after or another time during the day after strength traing both workouts should be follwed by flexability training for 15 minutes. The longer the muscle becomes the more hypertrophy can be achieved. Use Static Stretching with hold 15-30 seconds.

Eating Frequency And Quanity:
This is probably more important than the gym time. You need to fuel your body every three hours or less pending on body type. The biggest mistake made is not eating as your body will store more body fat. Three hour intervals for most will be sufficient, and you will not over eat as your body is now recieving the proper nurishment and hunger cravings will vanish.  You don't need to count calories and you can eat anything with reason (that does not me hit the drive through six times a day at Burger King). Using balance and moderation and a correct amount of protiens, carbohydrates, and fats, will help you naturally lose weight and with exercise and activity cause you to metabolize your intake. Simple as pie and you can still eat pie (sugar does not make you fat, you do). A simple recipe for you consumption of macro-nutrients: 60 % carbohydrates, 25% fat and 15% protien will do the trick to start. Eating food is always better than a protien supplement shake, this is what was intended naturally not engineered food that is overprocessed and can cause renal problems.

Fruits And Vegetables:
Important, want cancer, antioxidents are loaded in these gifts, so eat them all, all colors shapes and sizes you can't go wrong and they will definetly help you in your quest for longevity.Three servings of fruit and 4 servings of vegetables minimum in this case the more the better. The myth of fruit causing extra pounds is another trap. Fruit is a great source of quick energy that will be needed for a boost as you progress in your training and when down and drained as an athlete grab an apple a pear etc. and feel how quick you begin to recover add a sport drink to if you feel lousy it works and faster than some energy caffiene loaded stimulant concoction. Fruits and vitamins are another important part of fiber remeber the three S's: Strings, Seeds and Skins. So eat and eat a balanced diet using all food groups.

Exercise Time:
Time of day you exercise makes a difference and helps with adherence.Time a day is a factor in all of our testosertone levels our levels peak at different times of day and effect performance, you may find you can push a few more pounds - kilos early in the morning or later in the evening. Find out when is your hour of power and use it as the additional weight you  push recruits more muscle fiber and and restructure it will pay dividens in the long run. Start thinking as a performance athlete.

Workingout (exercise):
Strength And Resistance Training: Ideally should be done first as all energy needs to be used for the intensity of your workouts. Always warm up with light cardio to raise your heart rate and body temperature as it is necessary for tendons and ligaments due to poor blood flow. Use a minimum of 5 minutes at a brisk pace, walking is better than running as save the energy for the intensity.

Monday, May 28, 2012

"Home Is Where My Heart Is." Mr. Mexico continued...

A Third Place Finish:

When the dust cleared and names were called I was pleased with my finish and fortunate me I was awarded third place with a stunning trophy. Truly "Home Is Where My Heart Is!" and if you haven't figured out where home is it is "Merida" with support of a wonderful community and amazing friends it is easy to call "Merida, Yucatan, Mexico Home Sweet Home" I truly am "Suerte" and mucho felicidad in my new home.

 Placing third is not the reward it is seeing glowing faces of friendship daily. First and foremost I need to thank my beautiful wife for greeting me exhausted at the airport upon my arrival. Her smiling face at 12:00am was a radiant moment after a long weekend of posing and months of preparation. Thanks Deb again for being my "True Companion" I love you.

The trip was truly adventurous, as I will explain but first I need to express my gratitude:

Community Support: Wow I am a blessed man relocating to Merida and the friends where to begin "It's In The Bag" inspired by Patricio Roche, a hard working man dear to my heart, you bring me as much confidence as I hope to inspire in you! Thanks for your heart felt generosity it is truly appreciated your gift inspired me in more ways than you know.

Jose Antonio Zamora: Thanks for being there and inspiring me to do those extra repetitions as a work out partner twice a week, it made a difference.

Dr. Isaac Trejo: Always there with a kind word and a lucky can of Skoal, thanks for sharing your time as my "Psychiatrist and Psyco-Analist”, even if it’s not your field of expertise.

Ralf Hollmann: Yes you have coined a new phrase "Curl This" The underlying statement give us all another outlet during those grueling workouts of excessive weight as we pile it on, may this become an inspiration to all trying to keep their youth, thanks and thanks for your friendship as well as the shirt.

Sport Center Merida: Without the support of Don Carlos Jorge and his daughter Paulina none of this would be possible thanks for the opportunities of building bridges and not walls. This amazing facility is truly home base for my training and operations "There is absolutely no better."

Raul Cime and his daughter Evangelina, Vigor Y Fuerza Gymnasio: Thanks for adopting me as a member of your gym enabling me to be able to compete as this was a sanctioned event. It was a pleasure getting to know such wonderful people as yourselves, Evangelina a special thank you for getting me home without a glitch as mentioned before "Whoops I Did It Again" missing the plane ride to DF.

Gracias to my Fuertes, my clients: The Mier Y Teran Family, thanks for adopting me as a family member,I can only hope to give back what you have given me the friendship and the support warms this old mans heart. Stay Strong and keep pushing the weights.

Mario Ortega and family: As my first client in Merida, I call you "brother" as you told me its semillas (seeds) thanks for the love and support that you provide daily, it is always a joy to see you.

Roma Barss: You and your success are appreciated as it has helped me collect more clients wanting the same results you have achieved. "Keep on keeping on."

To my adopted children at Sport Center Merida: Especially Jacqueline Morfin and Alejandra Flores "Mi Fuertitas" I appreciate you both as your youth warms the heart of a man with a first born daughter who is dearly missed "Love You Dusty". Stay hard at it and you will have the confidence and strength that all independent women have. You make me proud.

Alejadro Barbosa and Estella: Thanks for the refferals as well as being part of "Physical Ed's Muscle Academy" and saving me from what could have been what never was as you rescued me after missing my plane "Whoops I Did It Again". You are both dear to my heart.

Raul Aguayo: As a fellow disciplined athlete in another extreme sport thanks for your friendship and help, best of luck as you continue your career. "Remember Stay "Fuerte!"

A Big Shout Out and Thank You To These Wonderful Sponsors:

Julio, Abraham and Ana: Truly great friends with great products. Thanks for keeping an old man young and being informative and honest.....................

Salim and Gaby: Muscle Pharm Distributers, without Combat, Assualt, and Recon this would not have happed.............!/MPmerida

Tuffy, without the "Pro Tan" I would be white. Thanks for your support and always going the extra mile - kilometer to make sure myself and others have the products to compete you are fantastic. I think I will adopted as another child, "Absolutely one of the best kids in Merida" I tell more later...!/pages/UP-VITAMIN-STORE/213133858757236

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Mr. Mexico Continues: "Improvise And Adapt!"

"I Made It, Into The Final............ Today I report in for the final at 10:00am. Sore and tired I continue my trek not knowing my end result. Last night scheduled to on at 5:15pm and thinking all will be come to an end for me at the event I warm up as it is the final, being delayed for two and a half hours befor my appearence and trying to keep muscle, and stay dry (explain later) I continue to pump up slowly and ofcourse remained carbed up and adding suplemetation as necessary. Lucky Me: With only four in my catagory I'am in the final not necessarily the way a competetor wants to get in but with the light shinning on me I'm in. My Group 50-59 over 80 kilos is the last to perform. We did a few quick poses as called out by the head judge and exited the stage after a poor showing it will be necessary today to take no prisoners as two of my fellow competitors have bodybuilding genetics as you will see in photos later (provided I get them today. With a smile I will grace the stage and with charisma put up my fight and try to place well.... Stay Tuned.

Friday, May 25, 2012

"Whoops I Did It Again" Missing The Plane To Mr. Mexico...

I Really Did It: I missed the plane and my flight to Mr. Mexico, you ask how is this possible soon to explain....

Thursday, May 24, 2012

"Miles To Go Before I Sleep" Mr. Mexico..............

Channel 13 Appearance: Winning on Sunday has given me an opportunity to "Toot My Own Horn" (and yes you can make a joke out of that, you with filthy minds). After Sundays first place finish I was invited to appear on Canal 13 a local television station. Working 16 hour days after the show, Wednesday came hard and fast, the next thing I knew it was 7:30 and it was getting close to departure time as I was told to arrive at 8:30pm for a live broadcast of a Sports Show feature five of us the top finishers in different catagories. I had just finished with my last client and was in the dressing room at "Sport Center Merida" where I work with the best people in the whole wide world. I share my office space with a nutritionist Luis as he had a client during my prep time I quickly hurried in and grabbed my stuff and I carry alot with me especially food and clothing and ofcourse my computers, two that is why good question... on I go. I head into the locker room to change clothes slip on tne posing trunks as I was told be ready to pose. Not knowing what I have gotten myself into. Totally exhausted I complete the clothing change and contemplated whether or not to shave my face as the clock said 8:45pm. I came into the locker room in such a hurry carrying my mobil refrigerator and my computer bag. I had set my computer bag by the sofa in the rest area of the locker room and as I shaved my face from its five o'clock shadow i thought make sure you have everything, I went bag to my locker upon shaving of the mange and grabbed my gym bag with additional posing trunks etc. thank goodness as I did (explain later) I proceed rushing and if the world was comming to an end to prompt and on time as always five to ten minutes early. Which ofcourse caused me to leave behind $3,500 dollars worth of electronic equipment behind. Driving like the Expedition was the Bat Mobile I drove to Canal 13 arriving at 8:25pm. Always on time me "Johnny On The Spot"............. As the first one there I watched my amigos file in. During this time a group of university student began a protest right outside the door and police arrived to contol the situation. My mind went to "Kent State 1972" and "Four Dead In Ohio". Not wanting any problems I was pleased to be ushered toward the studio. Equipment Malfunction: Yes I had my first "Janet Jackson Moment" as I entered the studio I was told to warm up as I will be on in ten minutes. With this news I spray my body with "Hot Stuff" a vasodilator that turns your skin red as well, and begin to to pushups to force occlusion of blood in the muscles. During this posing pre-ritual. I looked down to find my "Junk" hanging out due to overstreched elastic.."Not a Good Thing For a Live Broadcast." So backstage to change and thank goodness for the time to remember the extra bag and trunks.......Close Call.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012

What Did I Do To Deserve This?... Mr. Mexico in DF

Wow Here I Go Again..............
Not much time to write as I prepare for this Saturday night as I compete in Mr. Mexico for the second time in 2 years. Stay tuned in for more information and humor............. How did this happen? How did I get here, sound like a talking heads song "Letting The Days Go By" I will continue as my time continues to be invested in prep for the week ahead.

Friday, May 18, 2012

It Is In The Bag. / Acts Of Random Kindness........

Thank goodness for friends and I personally need to give a "Special Shout Out" to the following friends: First Patricio Roche for without him I would not have thought of writting this. Patricio I need to explain to you and others how this act of generosity touched me and will touch others you are an inspiration. Truly to myself and others you have changed your life and remind me to continue to change my own, you have shown incredible dedication, discipline and work ethic as you work toward your own goal. You are truly a humble man with an amazing heart of kindness.

I enjoy working with you and trusting me with helping to meet your goals. This photo does not do you justice although fitting of your sense of humor (stolen from facebook profile) I need a better photo, upon your return. May the phrase "In The Bag" have new meaning and inspiration to others as you achieve your goals. Patricio you are not alone, as you and I both know.

Meet Ralf Hollmann a fellow whinner............ Thanks Ralf for sporting me the new shirt a new catch phrase "Curl This" we know the underlying message behind your act of kindness. ---- This! A reminder of "No Pain No Gain".......Time to Paint Up as it is "Vigor Y Fuerza" my Destiny......... Stay tuned it is Pro Tan Time..........