Sunday, January 27, 2013

Follow The Pack Of Young Wolves!

Loud and Proud to announce the
"Young Wolves" Health and Fitness Fair!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Life Changing Events? Is This Your Calling? A Tribute To A Mentor.

Trying to look good as you age? 

 Can you turn back the hands of time?  Can you get stronger with age?  I have my super heroes even at age 50. Meet Frank Zane a Super Hero to my generation at 17 years my senior.  He competed in the bodybuilding circuit during the real hey- day, a day when you could find bodybuilding competitions on television featured by ABC’s Wide World of Sports on Saturdays.  

 Frank Zane possessed an absolute amazing physique which by today’s standards does not meet criteria for mass needed to be competitive with the giant’s of today. He was an incredible competitor and won Weider’s Olympia three times 1977, 1978 and beating legendary Arnold in 1979 Olympia. 

 Recognize any of these guys?

Take a look at how the sport has changed from the late 1970’s to Marcus Ruhl of the 1990’s. Size matters… you decide?

Frank has worked hard and never lost that physique with diligence and hard work here is a photo at age 60

Frank Zane at 64 years.

 Now at age 67 his legend continues through me and others as we use Frank as a Mentor for the Perfect Body.

Oh how times change but they don’t have to change us to be geriatric…. With diligence a work ethic and a give a damn attitude you can be the best you can be no matter your body type or age. Even with health issues and disabilities you can still do your best.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Proudly Introducing "Ale Alimentacion y Fisico!"

I "Physical Ed" am fortunate to have the assistance of a wonderful young women willing to help you and others with the same motivation as myself ... Helping "Be All You Can Be!" and that does not mean you have to join the U.S. Army. No you get the benefit of two fine individuals who passionately care. Rarely do I find such convictions but this third year nutrition specialist merits the honor. So I'm proud to introduce her to you. With on going mentoring she will be as fantastic as myself and much better looking, as she is a natural beauty and to boot with brains. We have co-oped a new blog
follow along as well as the other great Physical Ed Blogs bringing you the latest in information and fun. So with no more further due I am proud to present you Alejandra Flores also known with her new Super Hero name, "Ale Alimentacion y Fisico!

"Ed física" soy afortunado de contar con la asistencia de un maravilloso jóvenes dispuestos a ayudar a usted y otras personas con la misma motivación que yo... Ayudar a "Ser todo lo que puede ser!" y eso no significa que usted tiene que unirse al ejército de Estados Unidos. No obtendrá el beneficio de dos individuos finas que apasionadamente cuidado. Rara vez encuentro tales convicciones pero este especialista en nutrición tercer año merece el honor. Así que me siento orgulloso de introducirla a usted. Con sobre la tutoría será tan fantástica como yo y mucho mejor aspecto, ya que ella es una belleza natural y para arranque con cerebros. Hemos co-oped una nueva blog
seguir así como el otro gran físico Ed Blogs le ofrece lo último en información y diversión. Por lo que teniendo más no más me
enorgullece presentarles Alejandra Flores también conocido con su nuevo nombre de Super héroe, "Ale Alimentacion y Fisico!

Alejandra Flores 
aka "Ale Alimentacion y Fisico!"