Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Does Anyone Remember "Why I'm Here"!

I wrote this when I first arrived at Sport Center two and a half years ago.........
This is what I found, is it still the same?????

Halloween has passed and kids in the United States and a few in Merida (as trick or treat is not customary) are still consuming candy which they received as a treat. These children that are still consuming candy, had to overcome their fears to go to your door and then ask you for a treat (tricks usually excluded, unless you really are a despicable human being). Most of the children who came to your door are thrilled with any offering you might provide. Children who lacked self esteem and overly shy received less candy than those that came to your door with confidence and full of themselves. Although if they were overly obnoxious you might send them away with less, any way survey says the obnoxious child received more than the quiet shy child. If you don’t ask you won’t get. So Treat? No Trick!

What is the meaning? How does this relate to you?

For me there are several meanings that I hope to pass on to you:
1. “Treat others better or at least the same as you want to be treated yourself.”
2. “Tricks are not needed and not appreciated.”
3. If you don’t ask, you will not get what you are looking for.
4. Use your confidence when asking for what you want.
5. It is okay to be animated and possess personality, as it helps captivate your audience.
6. Charm and charisma go along way when asking for something.
7. Remember your manners (please, thank you, etc.).
8. Take control of yourself but not others.
9. It is okay to take “no.” for an answer.
10. Don’t give up as there is always the next house that might "Treat" you with candy.

What motivated me to write this today?
I had an appointment scheduled today that I thoroughly enjoyed, I walked into a gymnasium and was greeted by a young sales staff that initially greeted me the way I would or should greet everyone. They all had smiles ear to ear and made sure I was comfortable as I came to sell my product. (What product is that you ask? Myself.) I sat close to the sales staff as they made small talk with me. They “treated” me as if I was a member of the club not an outsider trying to get in to the club. They even seemed to “treat” each other just as well. I always take notice to those who have a positive attitude as I find it motivating actually I found it to be very self motivating as I did my “Treating” with no tricks. With a smiling face grinning ear to ear. I was greeted by the general manager once again the hospitality was in the air, I was soon to be greeted by the owner as we adjourned the lobby to the manager’s office.

Once inside and made comfortable by my hosts. I immediately could see their professionalism achieved at a young age and realized that they had been well mentored.
These young people understood solid communication skills and with the treatment I received, I can promise them the best of what I have to offer, as they were willing to the same for me and I know others as well. These two young professionals “Treated” me better than I expected to be. They gave me their full attention as I promoted my product, and communicated to me that they had a places for me to help them within their operations. It was a “Treat” and another inspiring moment in life that reminds me of (“That’s Why I’m Here!”). Departing, now having more confidence in our future generations, thanks to the inspiration of the owner through the entire staff at this particular gymnasium. I want to thank them for inspiring me to take the time to write about my “Treatment” and reminding me how to “Treat Others, The Way You Want to Be Treated.”

I close in saying I believe that others benefit from the wisdom of others, as we learn from each other daily, and I am thankful for all who accept me for who I am and what I can do for them not what I can take!

Meet Wall Of Famer "Fernando Lizarraga".


A great big Physical Ed "Shout Out", goes to Fernando Lizarraga as he has change his lifestyle and is reaping the benefit. Since January he has lost 3kg. changed his body fat percentage by 4% resulting in a major change in his physique as well as his facial features. He comes in to the gym 5 days a week twice a day in the mornings he devotes his efforts to cardio vascular training and the evenings to strength training. He is headed in the right direction and truly deserves to join other Wall of Famers.

Fernando's diligence is a great example for all. He continues to make lifestyle changes to support his new found health. I look forward to his progression and enjoy his sense of humor. I have nothing but support for those as willing as Fernando that show this type of discipline, for this Fernando you are a Wall Of Famer! So when you see Fernando show him respect and support as he continues on the path of  a healthier him. Slap him with the "Physical Ed Special Forces Secret Handshake" and tell him "felicidades" as it is well deserved. Thanks Fernando for making me look good with your results although they could not happen with out you! Welcome to the Wall Of Fame!


Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Cut The Confusion, The Truth Be Told!

Cut the Confusion, the Truth, Be It Told!

A special thanks goes out to the one I love, my wonderful wife Deb photographer and photo editor.
She showed Alejandra's natural beauty and made me look good, although we had a few photos of Brad Pit's face and my body..... Hmmmm?


How did I get in the shape I’m in and my partner Ale Alimentation y Fisica? It is simple, with hard work diligence, experience, consistency, discipline and a healthy lifestyle. What does that mean?


First trust the source of your education as you change your life for now and the future. Do not buy into lies and copycats as they do not possess all the information that is needed to reach your goals. Daily as I work, I watch others and am complimented by their use of what information they have learned without asking questions to go along with their new copied information and how to convey the much needed information to get the results that I or others achieve without all necessary instruction. Look at it as buying the latest computer, throwing away the instructions on all the equipment and software and then teaching someone else how to use it, without the full knowledge of how it works and expecting you to understand how to use its fullest capacity. This is what I witness daily! I work in a very competitive field, no matter where you live and what trade or profession you do your craft in you will encounter these people. The only way to deal with it is with the truth. Educating others is what I enjoy most as it lasts a lifetime not a repetition. Make choices that are right for you using solid supported information that comes from supported medical, science groups, universities, government agencies and by those using information processed and approved by the above. Why, it is in your best interest!


Want to live longer and be stronger, than be smarter obtain solid information to help you on your road to success. Quit looking at the pictures and read the article. Ask a professional that not only practices the lifestyle, but educates also. Looks are deceiving ask me I know best!


I have had the pleasure of working with an amazing partner Alejandra Flores although years younger. She has given me the opportunity to do what I enjoy most, educate. She is currently a student and at 22 years of age has reached a level of professionalism few achieve in a lifetime. I am the fortunate one to have someone to pass my knowledge to, as I live out my last 20 plus years of life, may someone benefit.


 I have had the pleasure of working in an amazing facility offering the finest in equipment in the most amazing environment. I have been at this location for two and a half years. Upon my arrival I was greeted with the warmest of smiles and friendly faces. I was so taken by these smiling faces I thought what a great place to give back what I have received. Everything in my life I had to learn just as everyone else who occupies this place we call earth.  The difference is I am not here to capitalize on another I am here to help, giving away information that has been researched and proven as my physicality speaks for its self as well as my education if you take the time to speak with me and listen. It is always free as I enjoy passing proven education to others.  My passion is to make you, “Stronger to Live Longer!”


Am I an athlete? You may ask. Truth, be told. No longer do I consider myself an athlete. The answer is simple athletics will eventually make you older faster. Retirees across the globe suffer from the constant injury due to sports related injuries.  Even golf and bowling from the repetitive motion causes over use of articulations. Orthopedic surgeons are cleaning up financially as wells joints hourly across the globe. I have a friend who is 51 and suffered a torn bicep tendon and watched is bicep roll up toward his shoulder in disbelief doing Crossfit.  He had surgery and now continues to beat himself doing Crossfit. Now I am a fifty one year old man. At age 37 I began to reverse the damage done to me during those days of being an athlete or so called athlete as I never merited to more than a weekend warrior.  I played the beloved American sports as a youth football, baseball, track and field, and basketball. I was not genetically blessed by any means so I developed hand eye coordination skills to improvise my short comings of physical attributes.  I suffered head injuries, skeletal injuries, lacerations, hematoma bruises, as I continued and pursued my love of sports.  


 I was diagnosed as a CML Leukemic in October of 1985 while waiting for fusion surgery on my lower lumbar vertebrae.  I now was facing the ultimate crisis death at age 23. I was told by my appointed hematologist / oncologist that I had six months to a year before the disease would become acute and that he felt he could get me into a temporary remission with oral chemotherapy. Within days of my diagnosis he explained to me that there was additional hope as experimental bone marrow transplants were being performed at The University of California Los Angeles Medical Center under the direction of Dr. Robert Peter Gale. This was the beginning of an education that no other possesses. I’m not necessarily thankful but I’m fortunate! Meeting Dr. Robert Peter Gayle in February, 1986 in consultation he explained the experimental procedure and protocol I would be dealing with. Next I took a tour of the infamous 10 West the name of the floor I would stay on and its annex.  After my tour and as I departed to make a decision as I was told I would be a great candidate for this new transplantation. I looked at my young wife and mother of my daughter with her eyes of hope and told her that I have determined that this was not what I want.  Why you ask? ”Vanity” upon my walk of the floor 10 West I stumbled across what I labeled as mutants. Oh the fear of what I would look like and at what sacrifice for what a possible remission.  I have always been “Superficial” not due to my mother’s upbringing no, this disease was caused by society. This is the greatest social disease of all, crippling the understanding of true love throughout the world. Watching television, movies my favorite of course with teenage maturity had gone from Captain Kangaroo to action heroes sporting physiques unachievable without amazing genetics and enhanced pharmaceutically.  I started lifting weights while in high school at age 16, as a way of gaining size to the thin lanky torso I possessed a coach told me he could not tell the difference between me and my younger sister of two years. Always the little guy with talent, I hit a growth spurt that took me from an adorable five foot, four inches and one hundred twenty pounds to six foot and one hundred thirty pounds. It is time to change from being a gangly ostracized person into an action hero loved by all (Failure a common word in my vocabulary.) I’m going to be “Arnold” ok I will settle for “Frank Zane” regardless this mentality led me to find my beloved word “Failure” that I use daily, even hourly.


Vanity you say, absolutely. Transplant what are you, trying to say “Vanity Kills”! Well almost. I eventually chose to transplant, possibly the reason I am still writing, the road I have been on since I took lives detour at UCLA Medical Center has not been one of a pinnacle of success starting at the bottom and climbing steadily uphill. It has been one of torturous, stumbling and bumbling, leaving me where I’m at today.  Now a man of experience, with the physique (due to the vanity) that leaves people with incentive to change their lives (I hope, I inspire), or just laugh at me. I decided that I could die ugly. Long story which is a book by itself waiting to be a best seller! So transplant it was. I checked into UCLA Medical Center in late March of 1986 and was discharged 34 days later it was the beginning of my thrill ride at an amusement park that never ends, my life. Flying home from on a chartered two propeller Cessna aircraft with four seats I remember hitting the turbulence near Blythe in pursuit of what I called home Phoenix. Thinking what a horrible death to survive 34 days at UCLA Medical Center only to die by becoming wreckage along with the plane if it “Fails”!


Where does this go from here?  Jump to July 2009 leaving behind 5 lifetimes for most and traveling at hyper speed. I enrolled at Glendale Community College furthering my education at age 47 for enjoyment not necessarily for use. Now although an accomplished businessman with the title of CEO, CFO, etc. of what really was a family business that has been prosperous, but now swaying in tumultuous waters with under towing current. Upon my first day of class I became the “Old Man” being 20-30 years older than my classmates and even most of the staff of educators. With this title it was necessary to prove my worth and knowledge as I reviewed and relearned of that forgotten knowledge not used, as a being the construction contractor 20 years. Now I having learned and practicing the latest in researched proven factual information that I pass on daily without a price tag. With diligence and passion I studied and enjoyed competing with other students even teachers for the title of he who possesses the most knowledge that has been proven by those amazing PHD’s, that apply for grant money etc. using athletes to make better athletes etc.


 The athletic look sells, do you need to be an athlete to look athletic? The answer is definitely no, sports are great and serve purpose but they too are meant practiced with balance and moderation. Professionalism creates many problems due to become specialized. Take a baseball pitcher for example. He starts throwing a baseball as a child the repetitive motion begins, over and over. It is realized that he possesses natural skill which now needs to be developed for commercial use later in his life. He learns how to use momentum atop the pitcher’s mound to propel the ball with more and more velocity. As he matures and gains muscle he now possesses a fastball that can be measured by radar that has the velocity of one hundred five miles per hour. When he started with his your body he threw the ball from forty five feet away from home plate at sixty miles per hour, as he matured it is now, he is throwing the ball from sixty feet away from home plate at one hundred five miles per hour. The human body was not designed for this type of wear and tear for a long period of time. How long you ask, maybe it was never meant to be. The side effects from multiple injuries caused by these repetitive movements eventually bring all athletic careers to an end, followed by arthritis, bursitis, surgeries etc. Sports ultimately add miles quickly to the machine we call the human body. As we continue to age does your body show your mileage, are your articulations and muscular skeletal showing wear and tear? Are you using anti-inflammatory medication such as aspirin, ibuprofen, etc. just to play a round of golf? Do you understand the side effects of using these medications to often?


The answer is it is not necessary to train like a professional athlete to have an amazing physique, and genuine great health. The majority of our general population is not athletes they are working people, although there are those with weekend activities that include sports, gym time and a healthier lifestyle. Some of us equate our self worth as how we fair in athletics or how we look. Looking athletic is as important to most who participate as it is with vehicles, homes, in other words worldly possession. We are constantly looking for the best in everything and failing to do our best. We have managed to make plastic surgeons, who in the past performed surgeries to right birth defects, damaged tissue etc. so that society would accept instead of ostracize another. Today we gain a little too much and we run and get the fat vacuumed out of us, if our calves are to small we can now get implants, hell I can even get implants in both sides of my gluteus maximums , as well as implants for my pectoralis muscles, with matching calves and abdominals. The unregulated supplement business runs billions of dollars so that we can look and feel great, there is something for everything but hard work is not mentioned on the bottles we consume. Steroids are spoon fed to young athletes so that they can compete and reach 3 times their genetic potentials. Bigger people bigger collisions more collateral damage. Sports medicine is a growing field as well as nutrition. We make every one wealthier and ourselves thinner in the billfold as we continue to invest our dollars to achieve the perfect physique. So as you leave the gym with your whey protein shake with branch chain amino acids. That the meat, potatoes, vegetables, and fruit  would do you more favor as it digests correctly for your high performance machine you call your body.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Strong Mothers Make Strong Children!

It's been a bit since I've posted but being Mothers Day and missing my own mother I thought I'd write a little. I am fortunate to have been raised by a strong mother and she deserves cudos for all she has done for her family. She taught me that I can get hit the bus or even hit a bus and get up still! Life goes on no matter what you were delt, so thank your mom for making you tough and requiring you to do the things to build self discipline, consistency, and structure to your life as when mine becomes a mess I remember to persarvere and survive and move on. With that statement I introduce you to a mother who demonstrates qualties for all to learn from Maria.......

Maria and Delfina are a Mother and Daughter Team they train together twice a week and are and have been fit even before I started to have the pleasure to work with them. Maria has maintained a youthful through exercise and is a mentor for daughter Delfina. Now Tortured Souls of Physical Ed's Muscle Academy they strive to be their best.
I miss my children more than ever as these two share in life what I so dearly cherished and gave up! (for the benefit of others) These two are a power house in the gym and out as they are the type of stand up people you should know and now you have been introduced so make sure to say hello and compliment them on their hard work.
As a professional I promise to keep dishing out as much as my clients can take even if it has given me the nickname "tormentador"! As they continue to go to acheive the results they desire. I am fortunate to work with Maria and Delfina as I enjoy watching them merit from all their dedication and work ethic to push harder and harder .
Pictured above is why Mothers are so special so thank yours this holiday as she is and always will be there before, during and after you got hit by the bus. Train on "Be Strong and Live Long!" as Demonstrated by this Super Mother and Daughter Team! Have a fantastic Mothers Day Moms as you deserve more!