Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Whats happened while you have been gone.

Get caught up!
If I have not seen you in or around the gym this be the happenings.
Antonio and Eneida my early morning Fuertes are progressing and looking fantastic. Tony is quickly approaching the 100 club as he is now bench pressing 90 lbs. dumb bells with ease and soon to be Mr. Peepidie Pow! and join the young Gerardo Mier Teran as Super Fuerte. Eneida his better half is looking more muscular and muy guapa as she gains strength and confidence as wells as an amazing figure. What an elegant young lady. I can only compliment them both, "Great Job!"

Maricio Rivero has been dedicated and continues to suprise and inspire others in the gym as he dazzles them with moves only seen in Circus Soleil as he knocks himself building a great physique.He makes each work out fun for me as he enjoys each task I give with great effort and enthusiasim. His results are noticable as well as his strength. Truly one who has Fuerted Up!

A big shout out to my "Novatos (Newbies):
 Delfina GB
Ruben Lago
 Fernando Lizarraga
 Andres Lopez
 Marcos, Omar and Ricardo....
 Bedid Medina
 Alejandra Silveria
I am pleased to have the honor of working with these featured individuals and look forward to watching them reach their "Genetic Potential"!
How about you are you working out and working on it. You can't get there with out working at it.
Hope to see you at the gym my best as always "Physical Ed".