I wrote this when I first arrived at Sport Center two and a half years ago.........
This is what I found, is it still the same?????
Halloween has passed and kids in the United States and a few in Merida (as trick or treat is not customary) are still consuming candy which they received as a treat. These children that are still consuming candy, had to overcome their fears to go to your door and then ask you for a treat (tricks usually excluded, unless you really are a despicable human being). Most of the children who came to your door are thrilled with any offering you might provide. Children who lacked self esteem and overly shy received less candy than those that came to your door with confidence and full of themselves. Although if they were overly obnoxious you might send them away with less, any way survey says the obnoxious child received more than the quiet shy child. If you don’t ask you won’t get. So Treat? No Trick!
What is the meaning? How does this relate to you?
For me there are several meanings that I hope to pass on to you:
1. “Treat others better or at least the same as you want to be treated yourself.”
2. “Tricks are not needed and not appreciated.”
3. If you don’t ask, you will not get what you are looking for.
4. Use your confidence when asking for what you want.
5. It is okay to be animated and possess personality, as it helps captivate your audience.
6. Charm and charisma go along way when asking for something.
7. Remember your manners (please, thank you, etc.).
8. Take control of yourself but not others.
9. It is okay to take “no.” for an answer.
10. Don’t give up as there is always the next house that might "Treat" you with candy.
What motivated me to write this today?
I had an appointment scheduled today that I thoroughly enjoyed, I walked into a gymnasium and was greeted by a young sales staff that initially greeted me the way I would or should greet everyone. They all had smiles ear to ear and made sure I was comfortable as I came to sell my product. (What product is that you ask? Myself.) I sat close to the sales staff as they made small talk with me. They “treated” me as if I was a member of the club not an outsider trying to get in to the club. They even seemed to “treat” each other just as well. I always take notice to those who have a positive attitude as I find it motivating actually I found it to be very self motivating as I did my “Treating” with no tricks. With a smiling face grinning ear to ear. I was greeted by the general manager once again the hospitality was in the air, I was soon to be greeted by the owner as we adjourned the lobby to the manager’s office.
Once inside and made comfortable by my hosts. I immediately could see their professionalism achieved at a young age and realized that they had been well mentored.
These young people understood solid communication skills and with the treatment I received, I can promise them the best of what I have to offer, as they were willing to the same for me and I know others as well. These two young professionals “Treated” me better than I expected to be. They gave me their full attention as I promoted my product, and communicated to me that they had a places for me to help them within their operations. It was a “Treat” and another inspiring moment in life that reminds me of (“That’s Why I’m Here!”). Departing, now having more confidence in our future generations, thanks to the inspiration of the owner through the entire staff at this particular gymnasium. I want to thank them for inspiring me to take the time to write about my “Treatment” and reminding me how to “Treat Others, The Way You Want to Be Treated.”
I close in saying I believe that others benefit from the wisdom of others, as we learn from each other daily, and I am thankful for all who accept me for who I am and what I can do for them not what I can take!